Does Having a Bigger Butt Help You Live Longer?

They have big butts and they cannot die? Doctors generally agree that bigger isn’t better in terms of body health, however, studies have shown that having a colossal caboose can potentially increase a person’s longevity. A TikTok video detailing the rump-repping research garnered nearly 50,000 views since it was posted Thursday. 

“If you have a heavy duty derriere, you might live longer,” explained Dr. Karan Rajan, who has amassed 4.4 million TikTok followers for his videos describing surprising health factoids. Other fun videos have described a special shortcut for gauging penis proportions and the importance of never passing on passing gas.

In the 34-second clip, entitled “Thicc [Thick] Thighs Save Lives,” the ample bottom advocate explained that “fat deposited in the gluteofemoral region [the thighs and buttocks] can reduce the risk of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases in comparison to having more visceral fat [which encases the organs].”

Excerpted from the New York Post

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