Does Chewing Gum Help You Lose Weight?

Many people believe that chewing gum is an effective weight loss tool. Some report it helps keep them away from mindless eating, while others swear it keeps their cravings away or helps shape their face by toning their muscles. This article looks into the science behind these claims to determine whether chewing gum can truly help shape your face or shed unwanted weight.

Although not all studies agree, some research suggests that chewing gum may offer the following weight loss benefits. The action of chewing may reduce hunger, make you feel fuller, and help you experience fewer cravings, particularly for snacks. In one recent study, chewing gum reduced hunger and cravings after a 10-hour fast as effectively as drinking a calorie-rich beverage.

In another study, a proportion of participants were asked to chew sugarless gum for 30 minutes following a meal. Gum chewers reported feeling fuller than non-gum-chewers as early as 5 minutes after beginning to chew.

Excerpted from Healthline

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