Are Bananas Good For Weight Loss?

If there ever was a multi-use fruit, it’s bananas. You can bake them into bread, throw them on some pancakes, dip them into chocolate, and make them into ice cream. Plus, they’re and easy, portable snack that’s packed full of good-for-you vitamins and minerals.

But are sweet, filling fruits like bananas good for weight loss? After all, bananas do contain their fair share of sugar and carbs. Turns out, they’re still a *great* food for people who are trying to lose weight, says Tamsin Jordan, a registered dietitian in New York City. “Bananas are a nutritional powerhouse that provide an array of health benefits,” Jordan says. “One large-sized banana provides roughly 10 percent of your daily potassium needs.” And that’s just one of its many micronutrients. 

You can definitely incorporate bananas into your diet without straying from your weight-loss goals—the key is looking at your nutrition as a whole. Here’s how bananas can impact your weight loss, according to a dietitian.

Excerpted from Women’s Health

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