Does Fasting Fight Inflammation?

The cheetah is the fastest animal on earth, with a top recorded speed of 75 mph. The black marlin is the fastest fish, zipping through the water at 82 mph.

But neither can compare to how fast a falcon can dive — 242 mph.

For humans, it looks like the number to shoot for when it comes to fast(ing) is 19. Researchers have discovered that temporary fasting (19 hours between meals, from 6:30 p.m. on day one to 1:30 p.m. on day two) and reduced intake of calories (300-500 fewer a day) can ease symptoms of inflammatory and autoimmune diseases by slashing the number of highly inflammatory immune cells called lymphocytes in your body.

The really good news: Fasting tamps down what’s revved up in your immune system because of obesity, a diet loaded with ultraprocessed foods, or an autoimmune condition, without dampening your body’s ability to defend you from infection.

Excerpted from Newsmax

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