What’s the Best Way to Burn Body Fat?

In an effort to lose weight or become more fit, we throw around terms like “body fat,” but what exactly are we talking about? The more you understand about how your body works, the easier it is to get the results you want. Here, weight loss doctors explain how body fat works and the best ways to reduce it for your long-term well-being.

What is body fat, exactly?

“An individual’s body fat is a collection of adipose tissue that functions as a complex, metabolically active organ,” explains Wickham B. Simonds, MD, fellow of the Obesity Medicine Association and president of Dr. Simonds Metabolics and Weight Loss in Durham, North Carolina. “It is so much more than ‘cushioning’ or ‘insulation.’ Like any organ, adipose tissue can become diseased and dysfunctional if the organ becomes too large.” In fact, a 2019 study in the European Heart Journalfound that excess body fat can lead to at least nine different cardiovascular problems, including aortic valve stenosis, a condition in which the valve leading out of the heart to the rest of the body is no longer able to open properly.

Excerpted from Prevention

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