Try Intermittent Fasting Work for Holiday Weight Gain!

Anchorage, AK, Dec. 26, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — As the holiday season reaches its peak, most restricted calorie or modified eating plans are going out the window. Delicious seasonal meals and pastries are all around us, making any weight loss progress made this year tough to keep. Nationally recognized telemedicine weight loss specialists at Diet Doc offer a great, non-diet option to help keep those pounds in check until the new year; intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting is by no means a new method to shed pounds, but it’s often overlooked in lieu of calorie counting and restricted food choices. Dr. Nishant Rao, Diet Doc’s medical director wants to remind dieters that, “Intermittent fasting isn’t a diet, rather, it is a meal timing plan.” He continues, “The key is to focus on a specific period of time at which you are abstaining from food and from calories in general for a set period of time.” Basically, fasting occurs for an extended period of no food or calorie consumption, followed by a period of time or window where eating is allowed.

So why is intermittent fasting a better option this time of year than going on a traditional diet? Dr. Rao says, “There are huge physical benefits! The biggest for most people is dramatic fat loss, all while maintaining muscle.” Since intermittent fasting doesn’t restrict certain foods, you can indulge in your favorite holiday meals during a specific time window. As long as you can balance this out with optimal periods of fasting, you can not only lose weight but increase muscle tone, muscle density, and derive other general benefits like improving your vascular function which can improve your look, hair, nails, and skin. There are all kinds of benefits simply because of the nutrient uptake that occurs.  

Excerpted from Diet Doc

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